diy conservatory fitting services

Durabase Frequently Asked Questions

Question:- Can durabase be used for full height walls ?
Ans:- Durabase is manufactured and used in single and two storey buildings and so can cater easily for all your high wall needs.

Question:- Is durabase a permanent alternative for a brick wall ?
Ans:- Durabase was the first steel base company and so is the oldest and is tried and tested. It has surpassed all warranty expectations and is now in its 25th year of manufacture. Every durabase comes with its own 25 year manufacturer backed guarantee may be you should be asking what warranty does your builder supply.

Question:- Durabase approved for building regulations?
Ans:- Yes durabase has a full JHAI approval and is a complete building system solution to create walled buildings for not only conservatories but for orangeries and single story complete room extensions.

Question:- I am concerned about water ingress rising up the walls if I dig it in the ground I have heard that some systems have a problem with this ?
Ans:- You are right to be concerned only Durabase has a wall and skirting system that comes in two parts and has an enforced damp course membrane (like houses) creating a moisture break between the ground and the wall section.
Its skirting system is made of non-porous concrete board that can happily be dug into the ground to stop unwanted rodents nesting under your floor system.
Durabase walls sit directly onto the steel base on top of the damp course membrane. All its wooden flooring sits inside the dry walling system and so is not exposed to the elements to rot /swell with water ingress.

Question:- Do I need to dig foundations for the durabase?
Ans:- No durabase is designed to be a quick wall system that needs no large scale excavations and Less concrete pads are needed due to the more robust type tested steel.

Question:- Will the durabase move?
Ans:- No all fixing legs are securely anchored using fixing pads and this was a major design recommendation from the structural engineering team.

Question:- I live in a terrace house can I still use durabase ?
Ans:- Access to site is maximised by having smaller manageable parts to construct the base that are engineered to lock together for rigidity rather than large welded sections.

Question:- Is there a durabase system for that passes the tougher scottish warrant office building regulations?
Ans:- Durabase +Plus is the only system that passes the Scottish warrant office regulations.

Question:- Can you match your wall brick type to my house?
Ans:- A large range of Bricks and mortar types are available for all durabases and we can mix and match the skirt and the wall brick types to blend in perfectly with your home.

Question:- How long does it take for delivery?
Ans:- Around 3-4 weeks in high season but give us a ring we currently aim to get your base to you 1 week before your conservatory delivery and your pad plans would be on week 2 so you can be all prepared to start construction.

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